Hodai Dam: Picnic and Hiking

Located not too far from the Kanayama Dam, the Hodai Dam is nestled comfortably in the rolling mountains of central Kamogawa. The path that circles around the reservoir is paved, well maintained, and limits access to authorized vehicles only, making it a great place to visit for walkers, runners, and cyclists.

The rolling hills and subtle curves give visitors a chance to take in panoramic views of the lake before submerging back into the forest, and the many scenic bridges and rest areas create a great area for picnickers.

While the area is well maintained, it is still very much connected to the surrounding wilderness and visitors shouldn’t be surprised if they come upon deer, tanuki (Japanese raccoon dogs), or a few monkeys. There area is also filled with a variety of seasonal trees, including cherry blossoms that bloom with beautiful pink and white flowers in late spring and persimmon tress that bear bright orange fruit in late autumn.

On the northeastern side of the reservoir, there is also a path the branches out and into the Minami-Bōsō Quasi-National Park. Hikers traveling this path should be careful to take note of the small yellow and pink tags that mark the hiking trails. Some trails, especially those following ridge lines can have sudden turn offs, that if missed, may lead hikers deep into unmarked wilderness. If you do happen to get lost, carefully back track your steps until you find a tag marking the trail. Avoid following rivers to try and get back to the coast because their winding shape means you could be following the river for days before it breaks out of the forest.



Hodai Dam, Izumi, Kamogawa, Chiba Prefecture 296-0045

6.6km 20min Drive from JR Awa-Kamogawa Station

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