Nature and Life

As someone who grew up in southern Wisconsin, a region full of cascading hills and far reaching landscapes, I often find myself in awe of the expansive mountains and stunning ocean views that surround my new home in Japan.
It seems that in Japan, more so than in the States, there is a certain admiration of nature that can be found deep within the roots of the country’s culture. The Japanese arts of Ikebana flower arranging, Bonsai tree grooming, and stone garden sculpture all display this admiration in tradition.


Reflective of this natural beauty living flowers decorate a platter of green tea at the Itchiku Kubota Art Museum in Kawaguchi-ko, Yamanashi, Japan. The museum was established by Itchiku Kubota as a means to display his life’s work; 40 hand dyed Kimono. The Kimono, dyed by using a 16th century method called Tsujigahana (辻ヶ花) that Itchiku Kubota himself revived for modern Japan, offer an incredible look at the four seasons and the universe using 40 separate kimonos as a single panoramic canvas. Pictures were not aloud, but if you are ever in the Yamanashi area, perhaps for a glimpse of Mt. Fuji, I highly suggest a visit to this museum.

If your not a fan of art, you can still enjoy the celebration of nature through the many festivals and events that can be found throughout the year coinciding with the changes in the harvest and flower seasons. As autumn gives way to winter, so do crimson leaves give way to golden fields of late winter flowers. Then as the weather begins to warm, the fleeting lives of cheery blossoms are celebrated as their pedals catch the wind and are pulled to the ground like a gentle spring snow.

Blooming Rape Blossoms in late January

Kamogawa Issenba Park Cheery Blossom viewing in April

I recently traveled to Katori in the north east of Chiba Prefecture for their annual Iris Festival (Ameya Matsuri). The main attraction for the festival can be found at the Suigo Sawara Aquatic Botanical Gardens in the township of Sawara. During the months of May, early June, and through August, the gardens display many of Japan’s picturesque flower seasons including the blooming of vibrant purple irises and stunning pink Lotus blossoms.




For more informations on the Suigo Sawara Aquatic Botanical Garden (水郷佐原水生植物園)
Check out their website: (Japanese only)
Give them a call:
Or visit them at:
1837-2 Ogishima, Katori City, Chiba Prefecture, Japan (千葉県香取市扇島1837-2)

Access: From JR Sawara Station (about 90 minutes from JR Tokyo Station), take the Kantetsu Kanko Bus via Yodaura towards Itako for 25 minutes, then get out at the Suisei Shokubutsuen Iriguchi bus stop, and walk 5 minutes to the entrance.

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